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EmuParadise Chat - Discord Server
Posted by MasJ @ Mon, 12 Dec 2016 | Message Boards

As winter rolls into the Northern hemisphere more and more people like to stay indoors and play games. We thought it'd be a great idea to setup a Discord server (a text and voice chat server) so that you could get help on emulation issues, setup netplay matches, and have a nice Christmas and New Years with the rest of the EP Community. It's free and works really well!

Discord is in many ways an improved Teamspeak/Mumble/Skype and is used to chat with multiple people at the same time in voice or text form. It uses very little system resources so you can chat while doing other things. Discord is available on your internet browser but there is a client available which is recommended. Also available on iOS and Android so you can chat with us on your phones or tablets.

So come talk to us at the EmuParadise Chat and lets have some fun!


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