ROMs » M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator » T » The Simpsons (4 Players World, set 1)
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Game Description & Reviews:
OverviewThe Simpsons Arcade Game is a four player beat-em-up popular in arcades in the early nineties.
SmashingPants67 rates this game: 4/5Play through 8 stages, either in single-player or with up to 3 friends to save Maggie from Mr. Burns and Smithers.
LeftyGuitar rates this game: 5/5The Simpsons arcade game is a beat 'em up featuring the Simpsons. You can play as either Homer, Marge, Bart or Lisa. The goal of the game is rescue Maggie from Mr. Burns. Along the way you will fight familiar foes and see familiar faces. The Simpsons also features 4-player co-op action. Marge and Homer have a special attack, as well as do Bart and Lisa. They can tag-team and do massive damage to enemies. At the end of each level you fight a boss. Also, after you defeat the boss there is a mini-game. You score points as you take down baddies. The Simpsons is a great brawler, that anyone should play.
Shaddowval rates this game: 4/5The Simpsons Arcade game is a classic style side-scrolling beat em up, in the vein of Final Fight and Streets of Rage. Maggie has been kidnapped and it's up to the other Simpsons to save her. Each of the fighters have thier own unique fighting style and strengths so playing any of them is a unique experience.
Rabid-Media rates this game: 5/5Matt Groening Figured out the formula for cartoon invincibility years ago: Sell out! I'm just glad he choose Konami as the masterminds for this arcade sensation. konami has already used some lisensed material (Tmnt, anyone?) and is no stranger to making a brawler with characters someone else made. Just too bad all the other Simpsons themed games suck hard cheese.
The game itself is a quarter-popping, multiplayer rush, featuring the entire family (except the baby... and animals...) as the playable cast. when you get two together, they can team up and perform combo actions. It's very fun alone, but with 4 players, you can team up and lift heavy things. and provides some leverage in the gameplay.
It also features all the characters from the series, one way or another, just as Groening "demands". the voice overs are from the actual Simpsons cast, so you can hear bart say, "Who the hell are you?" and all the other banture that makes the simpsons fun to watch (and play.)
Minus 1 point for selling out, plus 11 for making it worth it! 10/10
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