ROMs » M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator

Vastar (set 1) ROM

M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator / MAME 0.184 ROMs

Rating: 4.9/5

An awesome game for its time, Orca's last game under the post bankruptcy alias of Sesame Japan. Playful and slightly ridiculous scrolling shooter from 1983, pure enchanted innocence with weapons. Great graphics and variety make it comparable with popular games from the late 80s/early 90s. Instead of a predictable sense of whats next, with bosses, reliably increasing difficulty, and more drama, it has a sense of "whats next" like a Terry Gilliam movie. With very non animae robots, the statue of liberty and Mount Rushmore from the USA, Easter Island/Rapa Nui statues, gothic and japanese monsters, sci fi robots and machines in a post apocylyptic landscape, its a game to explore.

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