Rating: 5/5
I wrote this game back in 1985/1986 using the GAC system (Graphic Adventure Creator) which was pretty much a Basic language. Simple premise whereby you start the game at a bus stop and then move around the local town trying to solve a mystery. There are shopes, a beach, a jetty and boat and underwater caverns. Had a lot of fun creating this game, I used the Amstrad CPC 464 to create, when I changed computer to an Amstrad CPC6128 I found that I could not continue editing as the O/S for the disc drive took away a few kbytes, whilst it was 128k this was split into two banks of memory and I could not load a 64k game into one of the banks. Mike Stanworth
You also need an emulator to run this game. To grab one quickly, please check out our CPC emulators section.