ROMs » Atari ST

Silhouette v1.25 (1991)(MaxWell C.P.U.)[monochrome] ROM

Atari ST ROMs

Rating: 4.8/5

Silhouette is a bit-image and vector graphics drawing program developed for the Atari ST. It was developed by me, Tim Reyes owner of Maxwell C.P.U. (Computer Programs Unlimited). Silhouette recognized several bit image formats plus GEM and EPS vector formats. It could save in EPS as well. It has novel use of bsplines and bezier curves and can transform objects with even free-corners permitting twisting and reversing of objects. It has a novel duplication method akin to extrusion. Auto-tracing could take a bit-image and trace the outline to a vector image; not perfect but the algorithm was maturing. Only Adobe Streamline and Avant Vector on the ST could do the same. The program had excellent zoom capability and interface between bit images and vector graphics and some features are still innovative to this day. This product sold for $100 and I had the opportunity to show it to the Trammiels in Silicon Valley HQ and was provided Atari hardware as developer support. Documentation for Sihouette was created on the Atari ST using the great program PageStream, also ahead of its time.

Download Silhouette v1.25 (1991)(MaxWell C.P.U.)[monochrome]
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